
With our dedicated science room and Prep to Year 6 specialist program, Tyabb Primary School is committed to developing our student’s passion and interest in science learning. We believe science is all about discovery and our hands on teaching model means students learn by being involved in investigations, experiments and practical activities.

Our specialist science program covers the areas of chemical science and physical science while Earth and Space and biological sciences are part of the classroom programs.

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In the junior years students learn about materials and matter. We investigate how materials can be combined and mixed and how new materials can be made. We look at the concepts of push and pull and how objects can move. Students are encouraged to have fun with science, ask questions and explore.

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In the middle years students look at the properties of matter, how heat affects matter and the properties of natural and man-made materials. We learn about how forces work and encourage our students to develop their ideas about how things work. Students conduct experiments with an emphasis on predicting and recording results.

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Our senior students are challenged to learn about chemical reactions, chemical changes, forces and motion. They are experimenting with different materials with a focus on the scientific process, accuracy and different ways of recording data. During the second half of the year our students choose science as part of our elective program and are learning about electricity, circuits and batteries. This is an exciting unit and allows students to use materials such as wires, bulbs, LED’s, switches and magnets.

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