The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards. These are defined by Learning Areas and Capabilities.
At Tyabb Primary School we implement the Victorian Curriculum through a personalised approach based on the Professional Learning Community (PLC) model. Children are assessed and taught at their individual point of need. They are then assessed to ensure maximum growth in their learning with interventions applied when the appropriate learning has not been achieved. Excellence in Teaching and Learning is further achieved through:
- A strong partnership and high expectations of learning and behaviours between the students, staff and parents to support the success of each student.
- An emphasis on the teaching and reinforcement of school values and positive behaviours.
- A consistent approach across the school to the teaching of all Learning Areas.
- A consistent Instructional Model with a focus on explicit instruction and High Impact Teaching Strategies.
- Continual building of teacher knowledge and skill through regular and targeted professional development.
- Teachers knowing the curriculum, teaching strategies and their students and how they learn best.
- Staff working collaboratively to help all students in their year level, sharing their knowledge, skills and strategies.
- Student agency over their own learning – knowing the learning intentions and success criteria for each lesson and setting their own personal learning goals. Students monitoring their own success with their goals.
- Effective formative assessments to inform teachers of the learning needs of each individual student.
- Constructive and timely feedback to both students and parents.
- Specialised programs to meet identified needs – intervention and extension programs including – Reading Intervention.
- Individual Learning Plans for students below and well above expected standards.
Students will have the opportunities to access specialist and extra curricular opportunities at Tyabb Primary School.
- Performing Arts (Music)
- Visual Arts
- Physical Education
- Science
- Studies of Asia
- Student Leadership Program – School, House and Specialist Captains, Junior School Council, Green Team, ICT leaders
- “Start Up” program
- Buddy Program
- Camps
- Swimming
- Library Sessions
- Senior School Electives Program
- Inter school Sports (Years 5 & 6)
- Lunchtime Activities eg lego club
- UNSW – ICAS testing
- School Production – biannually
- Excursions and Incursions
- Instrumental Music Lessons